Weight Loss Break Through

The science-backed nutritional program that works!

Weight Loss Break Through

The science-backed nutritional program that works!

WLB Is Live Now!

Think you've tried everything to lose weight?
Welcome to VitaliTi Wellness.
We make weight loss inevitable!

Get Started


You want a quick fix to jumpstart your weight loss...

Losing weight and eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated when you have a plan that works! Our signature 10-Day Smoothie Reset is specifically designed to help you get over the weight loss hurdle and stay on track to keep it off.


Break through!

Lose the weight and

keep it off.

You are ready for a permanent weight loss solution...

Lose 8-30 lbs in 8 weeks or less in our signature program designed to permanently get you off the weight-loss roller coaster. Learn more about our live, online coaching program guided by Ti Caudron, PhD.


Detox for Permanent Weight Loss
with Ti Caudron PhD

You are frustrated that losing weight after 40 is so challenging...

Understanding how to detox is left out of most weight loss programs and contributes to why weight is so hard to lose over 40 and so easy to gain back.

Get our tips now to build your healthy habits and start eating to lose weight!

“Hi, I’m Dr. Ti Caudron. PhD, and I make weight loss inevitable. As a Sustainable Weight Loss Expert, I’ve helped more 10,000 people over 40 learn how to eat to lose weight—and keep it off!”

I’ve dedicated my life’s work to breaking the cycle of weight loss and regain that most people experience, especially those in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

At VitaliTi Wellness, we build our programs from proven, science-based nutrition and sustainable weight loss strategies specifically for people over 40. Our approach is to teach you how to eat to lose weight so you can keep it off — for good.

My passion is to empower people with the information, motivation, and support they need to achieve and maintain their optimal weight at any age. I promise, it’s never too late!

Success Stories


"I’m finally comfortable in my skin!”

“When the pandemic hit, I started gaining weight pretty quickly and reached out to Ti. I was 188 lbs then and going in the WRONG direction! I felt out of control, unmotivated, uncomfortable in my clothes and in my skin. But following Ti’s program, I learned how to eat for my body's specific nutritional needs, got the support I needed and was able to change my future. I’ve lost 34 pounds during the pandemic and now I love looking in the mirror. I’ve never been at this weight in my adult life! (I didn’t know it was possible.) I feel confident about my body and I’m finally comfortable in my skin!”

- Holly D. Age 53

“Ti makes weight loss inevitable!”

“No matter how sure you are that you won’t be able to lose weight, there’s still reason to hope because Ti makes weight loss inevitable. Everyone succeeds in her programs - it’s truly amazing. She’s able to explain everything so simply and is so motivating, that I finally was able to lose the weight that I had been trying to lose my whole life. (And I’m 55!) Her program is the only thing that has worked for me. The support and the community is just what I needed to be motivated to make these changes permanent.”

- Cheryl R. Age 55

"Ti motivated and inspired me every step of the way!”

“If I’m honest, I had pretty much given up hope of ever getting rid of my extra weight. I kept gaining weight every year, and I was unable to give up my favorite foods or my glass of wine at night! I didn’t think I had enough willpower and honestly, I needed my comfort food. Taking Ti’s class was a HUGE transformation for me. Not only did I lose 40 lbs over 6 months and keep it off, but I also learned that it was not my fault that I was stuck gaining weight and craving comfort food. Ti gave me the step-by-step plan to get the results I wanted fast and she motivated and inspired me every step of the way!”

- Karen W. Age 53

"I love how I’m eating. It’s not a diet. I even wore a bikini this summer!!"

“Before I met Ti, I tried everything to lose weight - Keto, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, Plant Based, Master Cleanse, training for a half marathon...You name it, I had tried it. And nothing worked. I was feeling hopeless and worried that at 52, I had missed my chance for the body I wanted and would now have to accept this extra 20 lbs around my middle and thighs. I was scared that the scale kept going up every year. But when I started Ti’s plan, I learned so much about my body at this age that I didn’t know before and finally the weight came off! I love how I’m eating. It’s not a diet. I even wore a bikini this summer!!”

- Janet S. Age 62

"My entire relationship with food and health is changed for life!”

“Ti is a magician. I just couldn’t lose the weight on my own. After getting on her program, I dropped 14 lbs in 5 weeks and got "me" back. My entire relationship with food and health is changed for life!”

- Jackie D. Age 46

"I finally found the structure I needed and lost 22.7 lbs!”

“Before I started the VitaliTi Weight Loss Break Through with Ti, I was unable to bring some "structure"to my eating habits. My eating was all over the place, really mindless. I can be an emotional eater and really function well when I "control" my eating, but it seemed really hard with everything going on in the world right now. Through her system, I found the structure that I needed and followed the system. In 8 weeks, I lost 22.7 lbs (yippee!) and lost 6 inches around the waist. My energy, mood, and focus have all improved while my pain and cravings have decreased. I feel so much better in my skin and I cannot even start to describe how much that is worth to me.”

- Sigrid D. Age 63